+39 0861 230005 +39 0861 230668 pirsafa@pirsafa.com Z. Ind.le Case Molino - Via L.Ariosto, 64020 Castellalto TE - ITALY


01/04/2020 Covid19

Dear sirs,

we inform you that the OFFICE of our company is operating in compliance with the DCPM of 22 and 25 March 2020 and 01  april 2020  even in an emergency, in the work of the "members" only, it continues to strive to guarantee its customers / suppliers the best quality of service.

The PIR.SA.FA. is taking all the necessary hygiene measures imposed by the government to deal with the emergency. From 06 March 2020, external entrances to the company have been prohibited and for those that we would consider necessary in the future, entry will only be possible by wearing disposable masks and gloves and future loading / unloading operations will take place outside the local area, as always done.

 We also inform you about the following:

1) The hours of our office are until date to be determined only in the morning, from 08.30 to 12.30. We will also respond to your emails in the afternoon hours in telework mode.

2) 2) Incoming shipments for goods previously ordered before the COVID-19 emergency are suspended. When this is possible, upon our authorization, suppliers must communicate to the courier and indicate in the DDT the following:

- The mandatory delivery in the morning from 08.30 to 12.30.

- IMPERATIVE telephone notice in the case of pallets to be unloaded.

3) 3) The company will continue to receive orders from its customers which will be processed or confirmed as soon as the situation returns to normal, when transport will guarantee their service for these types of goods and internal production will restart.

4)  Sample shipments are also suspended.

5) 5) Although we understand the current critical situation linked to the Covid-19 emergency that unites us all, but in order not to weigh it down further, we consider the respect of payments to be fundamental, also in consideration of the introduction of liquidity provided by the Central Banks and the “Cura Italia” Decree, aimed precisely at dealing with this criticality. We trust that all our respectable Italian customers will honor their debt to us at the due date, relying on the mutual sense of responsibility.

In thanking you for the trust you will continue to give us, with the hope of returning to normal as soon as possible, we extend our sincere greetings. Ferruccio & Elisabetta Pirani

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