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Alternatives to plastic not always green


Alternatives to plastic not always green

A study by Imperial College London examined 73 LCA analyzes related to different types of packaging and materials. The result is not a foregone conclusion.

Are plastic packaging really unsustainable for the environment? Common opinion dismantled from a recent study commissioned by Veolia at Imperial College London ("Examining Material Evidence the Carbon Fingerprint"), the result of the analysis and comparison of about seventy life cycle analysis (LCA) of different types of packaging and material.

In terms of climate-changing gas emissions, if all plastic bottles were magically replaced with glass ones - the researchers point out - higher CO2 equivalent emissions would be obtained equal to those emitted by 22 large coal-fired power plants, sufficient to cover a third of the UK's needs.

Plastic is particularly efficient, from an environmental and economic point of view, when it is collected and recycled: the study shows that recycling saves between 30% and 80% of the carbon emissions generated by the production and transformation of virgin plastic. If all the plastic were regenerated - today this happens for only 9% of manufactured products - a reduction in emissions of between 30 and 150 million tons of CO2 per year would be obtained, equivalent to the closure between 8 and 40 coal-fired power plants. global level.

In absolute terms, the plastics industry has a non-secondary impact on climate-changing gas emissions, equal to 3.8% of the total, but it is not said a priori that replacing this material with the alternatives available today can achieve a real benefit for the environment.

We at PIR.SA.FA., we already internally recover the plastic from the scraps of the various processes, which after being ground in our mills, is used for the production of other accessories.

pdf Veolia-Plastic-Whitepaper.pdf

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